Alireza Pakdel
علیرضا پاکدل
Iranian Editorial cartoonist, Caricaturist, Character Designer, illustrator
Alireza Pakdel born and raised in Mashhad , Iran 1981. He has been working as freelance cartoonist and Illustrator for many important magazines and newspapers and publishers in Iran since 1994. He has also worked as an art director in weekly comic publication named Palakhmoon for two years. He has managed the Caricature and Cartoon group of Mashhad Art Center for many years.
He is an international artist who has won more than 150 international awards at domestic and foreign festivals and has also exhibited his artworks many times in group and solo exhibitions. He has also worked as a character designer in creating animation projects . Alireza Pakdel aims to create clever ideas that affects on the world ; Ideas such as the destruction of the environment by humans, the creation of peace around the world, gender discrimination, poverty and the social issues that people always face. In 2020, with the beginning of the Corona virus pandemic and general quarantine, he created the most cartoons in the field of giving hope to people around the world and appreciating the medical staff, which was considered by many important organizations and media around the world. Therefore, the most important feature of his cartoon works can be considered as sympathy with the international community in the face of social problems, which is depicted with subtle ideas. During his artistic life, Alireza Pakdel has created more than 500 Caricatures of world political, scientific and national figures with his unique style. Sharp forms and minimal graphics as well as one-eyed characters are features of his Caricatures.
Second prize of Production Art Center Festival – Tehran in 2008
Second Prize of Cartoon and Poster Festival with the theme of Disability and Disability, Tehran,Iran, 2008
The first prize of the cartoon festival with the theme of green space and parks , Mashhad,iran,2009
Third prize of the first citizenship culture cartoon festival ,Isfahan,Iran,2009
Special award of the first national festival of transcendent art , Mashhad,Iran, 2009
Special award of the image festival of the year, Tehran,Iran, 2009
Special award in Bojnord International Cartoon Festival,Bojnord,Iran,2010
Special award in the 10th Tabriz International Cartoon Festival of Culture and Citizenship Tabriz,Iran,- 2010
Special prize in the second international digital media cartoon competition in Tehran,Iran, 2010
The first prize of the first annual Shirozhan cartoon in Tehran,Iran 2010
Third Prize of Bukan National Cartoon Festival,West Azerbaijan,Iran,2010
Special award of the Tabriz International Citizenship Cartoon Festival,Tabriz,Iran,2010
The second prize of the first Aligudarz Cartoon Festival,Lorestan,Iran, 2010
The second prize of Rah-e Roshan Cultural Art Festival – Cartoon Section,Mashhad,Iran2011
Special award of Bukan National Cartoon Festival,West Azerbaijan,Iran, 2011
Honorary diploma of the 9th Tassvirsal Festival Tehran,Iran,2011
Special award of the cartoon festival “Walking in the city”,Tehran,Iran,2011
Special prize in the cartoon festival “Nowruz in Iran” -Sari,Iran,2012
Gold Award of the 5th Don Quixote Smiling Cat Cartoon Festival, Azerbaijan, 2012
Special prize of the first international cartoon competition Stock Exchange ,Tehran,Iran2012
The first prize of the first festival of visual arts “Bum Barakat”,Shiraz,Iran,2012
The first prize of the cartoon section of the 6th International AYACC China Festival,2012
Honorary diploma of the 8th Belgrade Golden Smile Cartoon Festival with the theme of Tennis,Serbia,2012
The first prize of the first safe frame cartoon festival,Tehran,Iran,2012
Special award 0f Sinop International Cartoon Festival in Turkey,2012
Special Award of the National Cartoon Festival Violence-Sari,Iran,2012
Third prize of the first national cartoon festival made in Iran – Tehra-2012
Third Prize of Bookan National Cartoon Festival West Azerbaijan,Iran,2012
Special Award of the International Face Caricatur Festival Yuri KOSOBUKIN,Turkey,2013
Special Prize (Success Award) of Romania International Cartoon Competition,Romania,2013
The first prize of the Amazon International Comic Festival Brazil in the category of face caricature,Brazil,2013
Third prize of the first cultural and artistic festival “Dirty Gold”Mashhad,Iran2013
Special Award of the 41st Skopje International Festival ,Romania,2013
second prize of the international festival ” Don Quijote ” with the theme of caricature of the face of the late cartoonist of Turkey “ÖKTEMER KÖKSAL”,Turkey,2013
Top cartoonist “in the first festival of Shahrara newspaper ,Mashhad,Iran,2013
Grand Prix of the first cartoon festival “Iranian Lifestyle” ,Sanandaj,Iran,2013
Grand Prix of the 4th Annual North Khorasan Cartoon Festival (Sweet Life) , Bojnord,Iran2014
Special Award of the Randon Colombia International Cartoon Festival,Colombia,2013
Special award of the first cultural and artistic festival of butterflies of hope,Tehran,Iran,2014
Special Award of the Second International Cartoon and Cartoon Festival of Cartoon Magazine – Bojnord,Iran,2014
The top artistic figure of Mashhad,Iran,2013
The best cartoonist of Iran by the Tabriz Cartoonists Association,Tabriz,Iran, 2013
Third Prize of the 16th Porto Cartoon International Festival in the field of face caricature (Álvaro Leite Siza), one of the most prestigious architects in the world,Portugal,2014
Special Award of the Second International Cartoon and Cartoon Festival of Cartoon Magazine, Bojnord,Iran,2014
Special Prize of the 3rd International Stock Exchange Cartoon Competition,Tehran,Iran,2014
Special Award of the 31st Aydın Doğan International Cartoon Competiton,,Turkey,2014.
Third Prize of the 10th International Cartoon Festival of Syria,2014
Second Prize of the Second International Biennial of Cartoon “Book”,Tehran ,Iran,2014
Special Award of the 7th International Cartoon Festival “Smiling Cat” Azerbaijan,2014
second prize of the first national festival of tomorrow’s posters and cartoons Tehran,Iran,2014
Special Award of the 6th International Tourism Cartoon Festival,Turkey,2014
Special Award of the 17th International Porto Cartoon Festival – Ernest Hemingway’s Caricature Section,Portugal, 2015
first prize of the National Festival “Photo and cartoon critique of the building and urban space_Tehran_ – 2015
Third Prize of Sisak International Cartoon and Cartoon Festival – Blues and Jazz, Croatia, 2015
Second Prize of Tabriz National Press Cartoon Festival,Tabriz,Iran, 2015
Special Award for the National Cartoon Festival for More Children for a Better Life, Tehran,Iran,2015
first prize of the national cultural and artistic festival of Flip,Mashhad,Iran,2015
Special Award of the 6th Annual National Cartoon Festival of North Khorasan Art Center with the theme of Future Iran,Bojnord,Iran2015
Third Prize of the 6th Annual National Cartoon Festival of North Khorasan Art Center with the theme of Future Iran,Bojnord,Iran,2015
First prize from Kermanshah Visual Arts Festival,Kermanshah,Iran, 2015
Special Award of the 18th Porto Cartoon International Festival-Caricature Section,Portugal, ,2016
second prize of the 9th International Don Quijote International Cartoon Festival in Germany with the theme of immigration,Germany,2016
Special Award of the International Festival of Graphic Comics of Cartoon,Italy,2016
The first prize of the second international cartoon and cartoon competition “Sisak” ,Croatia,2016
Special Award of Nasruddin Hodja International Cartoon Festival Turkey,2016
First prize of the third international cartoon & caricature competition of Piracicaba,Brazil,2016
Grand Prix of the 3rd Piracicaba International Cartoon & Caricature Competition,Brazil,2016
The second prize of the second national cartoon festival of the safe city of Arak,Iran,2016
Special Prize of the Second International Competition “Research, Technology and Innovation from the Perspective of Photographers and Cartoonists”,Tehran,Iran,2016
Special prize of the first festival of culture, media and public education Cartoon section,Tehran,iran,2016
Special award of the first international cartoon festival for safe and optimal consumption of natural gas,Alborz,Iran,2016
Special award from Trump International Cartoon and Cartoon Festival,Tehran,Iran,2017
Special Award of the 10th Don Quijote International Cartoon Festival,Germany,2017
Second place from the ninth national festival of humor of Soureh Art Center, Tehran-,Iran,2017
Grand Prix of the Word Press Cartoon ,Portugal,2017
First Prize of the Word Press Cartoon, Portugal,2017
Third place at the Norvay International Cartoon Festival with a global theme full of colorful people,Norvey,2018
The first prize of the 11th Iran Web and Mobile Festival,Tehran,Iran,2018
Second prize of the National Urban Media Festival,Tehran,Iran2018
first prize of International Cartoon Festival Feizaj,Kosovo,2019
first prize of Papb International Cartoon Festival,Indonesia,2019
The best cartoonist of the year in Iran, selected by the Tabriz Cartoonists Association,Tabriz,Iran, 2019
Special Award of the 29th World Festival of Comedy and Humor of Romania,2019
Special prize of Romania Cartoon Festival, 2019
Special prize of Festival International de Grafica Satirica si Literatura Umoristica,Romania,2019
Special Prize of the National Sticker Festival of the Year,Tehran,Iran2020
Special award from the International Satyrykon Festival, Poland,2020
Special award of the international festival “We defeat Coronavirus”Tehran,Iran,2020
Special Award of the 40th International Cartoon Festival of Mullah Nasruddin Hodja,Turkey,2020
Special award of International cartoon on Ecology and Global Warming,Russia,2021
Member of the jury of the first International Cartoon and Cartoon Festival of Cartoon Magazine, Bojnord, Iran,2012
Member of the jury of the International Cartoon Festival Don Quixote “with the theme” Immigrants,Germany, 2014
Member of the jury of the 6th Fadjr International Festival of Visual Art,Tehran,Iran,2014
Member of the jury the 11th International Cartoon Contest,Syria,2015
Member of the jury of the first International Cartoon Festival of Safe Society,Mashhad,Iran,2017
Member of the jury of the 24th National Festival of Youth Visual Arts, Kerman,Iran, 2017
Member of the jury of the International Cartoon Festival of Safe Society,Mashhad,Iran,2018
Member of the jury of the 4th International Binnial Book Cartoon Contest,Tehran ,Iran,2018
Member of the jury of the International Cartoon Festival of Safe Society,Mashhad,Iran,2019
Member of the jury of the 46th Piracicaba International Graphic Festival in Brazil,2019
Member of the jury of the poster section of the 47th Piracicba International Graphic Comedy Festival,Brazil,2020
Carnival Face,Artin Gallery,Mashhad,Iran,2012
Twenty Four,Iranian House of Cartoon,Tehran,Iran,2017
Cartoon Gorope Cavern, Mirak Gallery,Mashhad,Iran,2008
Cartoon Sanandaj ,Ershad Gallery,Sanandaj,Iran,2012
Parnian, Eshragh Gallery,Mashahd,Iran,2013
Cartoonists of Shahrara newspaper,Termeh Gallery,Mashhad,Iran,2014
Mashhad Cartoonists Group, Iranian House of Cartoon,Tehran,Iran,2016
Art Center of Khorassan Group,Eshragh Gallery,Mashhad,Iran,2106
Trump from the point of view of Iranian cartoonists,Iranian House of Cartoon,Tehran,Iran,2017
Charlie Chaplin,Italy,2017
Nazim Hikmet,Istanbul,Turkey,2018
The role of kindness, Iranian House of Cartoon,Tehran,Iran,2019
Amor,Alberto Thomazi Gallery,Piracicaba,Brazil,2019
Cartoon & Illustration,Alberto Thomazi Gallery,2019
So do the elders,Shams Gallery,Tehran,Iran,2020
Working Children,Tehran,Iran,2020
Tehran from the point of view of artists, Iranian Artists’ House,Terhran,Iran,2020
Covid 19,Tehran Art Gallery,Tehran,Iran,2020
World Nowruz Rituals, Iranian Artists’ House,Tehran,Iran,2021